Hello All,
My best wishes go to all who are fighting or affected by the virus. Per the State of Ohio orders, Pray Plants cannot continue gardening work for clients at the current time. Operations are limited to selling plant material, as this is considered "agricultural."
We will continue to sell Garden Helper Cat Toys, and have recently added Reversible Surgical-Style Face Masks / Mask Covers to our Products list. For every mask purchased, one will be donated to medical personnel in need.
I must apologize that my existing collection of cotton fabrics has floral, Batik, hippie patterns. The next time I go out for a supply run, I promise to buy some more solid colors and softer tones!
In addition to medical personnel using these masks over their N-95's to prolong the lifespan of these one-time-use PPE items, the CDC now recommends everyone wear a mask. This is important for several reasons:
1. Since the virus can spread asymptomatically, when everyone wears a mask we are actually protecting each other from our own respiratory droplets, whether or not we feel ill.
2. Wearing a mask reminds us not to touch our faces. The virus only makes its way through mucus membranes, so covering our noses and mouths reduces our chances of sub-consciously contracting the virus and possibly spreading it on.
3. If you are exposed to the virus via aerosolized particles, the face mask will reduce your chances of severe illness by reducing the inoculum. For example, being sneezed or coughed on directly without protection will introduce a viral load to your system that will then replicate exponentially and overwhelm your immune response. Alternately, one wearing a mask will be introduced to a smaller viral load, where the virus takes longer to accomplish higher numbers within your body.
(Source: Dr. Chris Martenson, PhD)
Visit the Products page to read about what options I am currently offering, such as nose wire, ties or elastic, and more.
See you in the garden soon :)
-Becca Pray